Community Recycling Centres
The REROC Waste Forum successfully received funding of $705,720 to establish eleven new Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) under the NSW Government's Waste Less Recycle More initiative.
The eleven centres, which were officially opened between August and October 2016, allow residents to drop off problem wastes for free that cannot be put in kerbside bins including:
water-based and oil-based paints
used motor and cooking oils
lead-acid batteries and hand-held batteries
gas cylinders and fire extinguishers
smoke detectors
conventional tubes and fluorescent lights
The initiative builds on the existing CleanOut events that are held every two years in the REROC region by providing permanent and convenient drop-off locations that are easily and readily accessible for householders.
The CRCs are located at landfill and transfer stations in the following council areas:
Bland (West Wyalong)
Greater Hume (Culcairn)
For further infomation on the CRCs, including their locations and opening hours, please visit or alternatively download the flyers below.